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12.03. - 18:00,
Чешки център

Режисьор:  Павел Щингъл
Оператор:  Мирослав Янек
Продуцент:  Павел Щингъл
Музика:  Иржи Дедечек
Сценарий:  Павел Щингъл , Иван Арсениев
В ролите:  Иржи Плойхар , Мирек Кучера , Ева Махачкова , Миша Рибанска , Иржи Пошепни , Луцие Несвадбова , Роберт Несвадба , Честмир Блаха , Щево Цапко
Продукция:  Bontonfilm/K2
Вторият живот на Лидице
Гетото с име “Baluty”
Историята на корабокрушенците от “Патрия”
Мир за техните души
На какъв език говори Бог?
Поздрав от страната, в която вчера означаваше утре
Мир за техните души
Mir jejich dusi
May They Rest in Peace
Чехия , 2005, 120 мин, черно-бял, цветен
Награди:  2006 - "Чешки лъв" за монтаж

This experimental insight into the reality of our presence balances on the edge between a feature film and documentary.
It is no accident that the mosaic of stories from Paseky and Jizerou is a rediscovery of places where the Czech storyteller Karel Václav Rais set his novel of the Czech revival. The traditionally Czech region within the Sudeten land has retained its historical continuity so that memories and written accounts are still alive for local inhabitants. The loose adaptation of accounts recorded in the chronicle of Drahoslav Waldmann features locals in the roles of their fathers and grandfathers. The brilliant performances by many amateur actors, homeowners, farm owners, and theatre amateurs from the surrounding areas are tied together by the phenomenon of human memory. Memories that span the whole century walk along with the wanderers. These memories are brought to life not only through film tricks and temporal jumps, but also through the imaginative qualities infused by the traditional spiritualism of the Krkonose Region.

Павел Щингъл
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